The Way of Jesus

We believe that the Way of Jesus is central to everything we do. Jesus is not merely our savior, He is our rabbi, teacher, and master. We want to help students understand that following Jesus is meant to be the central purpose of their lives, and there is so much joy to be found in embracing the teachings and ethics of Jesus and living out His Way in every aspect of our lives.

It is a path of self-denial, sacrifice, and love for others. It means turning the other cheek, loving our enemies, and putting the needs of others above our own. It means standing up for justice and righteousness, even when it is unpopular or inconvenient.

"Our job is to make the invisible God visible — to mirror and mimic what he is like to the world. We can glorify God by doing our work in such a way that we make the invisible God visible by what we do and how we do it.”

― John Mark Comer

We encourage students to slow down their lives and cultivate a deep, intimate relationship with Jesus through the practice of the presence of God and abiding in him. We also believe it is important to become like Jesus in our inner being, taking on his character, ethics and values. We also want to serve Jesus by imitating Him through serving God and others.

By embracing these aspects of the Way of Jesus, we can live lives that are deeply meaningful and fulfilling, and bring blessings to others.


The Kingdom of God


The Narrow Way