The Narrow Way

“Enter by the narrow gate.
Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and few who find it.”

- Jesus

We believe that following Jesus requires actually committing to him, which means saying no to certain things the world offers and saying yes to what Jesus offers. We want to help students understand that being a Christian is much more than just "saying a prayer so you can go to Heaven when you die." - it is a way of life that involves following a specific path.

The Bible says that the way is narrow and few find it. We deeply desire to help students understand that this narrow way is not a mere path of restrictions, but one that leads to a much wider world. The narrow way leads to the narrow gate, which then opens you up to a wider life full of purpose, love, community, hope, and joy that goes beyond anything we can imagine apart from Jesus.

While the world's path may offer temporary pleasure and happiness, it cannot compare to the fullness of life that is found on the narrow way.

We want to help students embrace the narrow way as one that leads to a life of abundance and fulfillment.


The Way of Jesus


In The World, But Not Of It.